GAIL Access Termination

GAIL Access Termination

Attention All Users:

The policies for having access to GAIL dictate that any user that has not logged into GAIL within the past 6 months (180 days to be specific) will have their access terminated.  Additionally, if you have not signed into GAIL within the past 12 months (180 days to be specific), you will be required to take a GAIL 101 class as a refresher to get your access back.  We’ve been very lenient but these rules must be enforced going forward so please be aware.

You can easily request your access to be reinstated by filling out a new GAIL Access Form. If you’ve actively used GAIL within the past 12 months, minus the recent 6 months of inactivity, you won’t be required to take a GAIL 101 refresher.  You’ll also need to verify that your UGA EITS 02 Restricted VPN account is still active, as well.