BEE Updates

Have you heard the buzz?? There are multiple new features in the BEE Email Editor and they’re live now!

New Title Element

Though the new Title block functions much like a text box, there are benefits behind the scenes. You can choose between H1, H2, and H3 titles to better establish content hierarchy.

Using Title blocks instead of text boxes or images also creates a more accessible experience for any readers who may use a screen reader. 

Design via Mobile View

In the top left corner of the editor, you’ll now see the options to toggle between desktop and mobile editing views, whereas before the only option was editing in desktop mode and previewing the mobile version. This feature is so handy for optimizing your emails for mobile devices (which you definitely should be doing)!

Combine either editor view and the Hide on Desktop/Mobile feature with the eye-con (get it?) toggled to “Visibility On” to see a blurred out preview of any hidden elements while you work.