Updates to DME Dashboard Tab

Updates to DME Dashboard Tab

There are three more essential functions now located on the DME Dashboard tab. Users can add Selections to Exclude, Previous Marketing Effort Exclusions and Seeds all in one central location. This is in addition to the other essential settings found on the DME Dashboard – Source Code, Address Processing Options, Contact Rule Exclusions and Segments. We’ve included a refresher below that details when/why you might use each of the sections. 

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Selections to Exclude

This section allows you to use selections that already exist for various boards, committees, and groups to exclude from your effort if needed. Keep in mind, you will need to exclude these selections before you calculate and export your effort.

Example:  You’re wanting to send a solicitation out but want to exclude board members, or people that have already donated this year.

Previous Marketing
Effort Exclusions

This section allows the exclusion of constituents who received previous communications. Users have the option to choose which communications to use as exclusions for their effort.

Tip: If you used Placeholder in the marketing effort you’re wanting to exclude in your new marketing effort, that Placeholder cannot be used in the new effort.


This section allows you to add people (on your team) that you want to receive a copy of the mailing, but do not meet the selection criteria in the Segment. Seeds are not connected to actual constituents in GAIL which means you will be overriding any communication preference they may have on their record so use caution. Seeds also do not tag a constituent’s record as having received the communication. Once a a new seed is created, you do not need to create the seed again in the future. Be sure to add yourself as a Seed, as well.

Tip: When you create a seed for yourself or your team members, be sure to include their email address and postal address so the seed can be used in either communication type.

If you have any questions regarding the DME dashboard, please reach out to AskIT.