Recommended Address Processing & Name Format Settings

These recommendations are to allow the user to encounter the least amount of data issues. All users are expected to check every data file before sending out mailings. The global default for GAIL communications is: ASRV – Primary and Residence. Please use the chart below to make changes based on the needs/purpose for your mailing.

Postal Direct Marketing Efforts

Situation Address Processing Name Format Additional Information
When you want to include both spouses, regardless if the spouse qualifies
ASRV - Primary and Residence *
Events - Preferred Name Format
Forces spouse into effort regardless whether they qualify
When you want to send to School/College specific alumni
ASRV - Primary and Residence *
Preferred Name Format
Drops spouse if spouse does not qualify in the segment, keeps spouse if they do qualify
When you want to send a magazine or newsletter to a person's primary or business address and to a company's contacts at the business address
ASRV - Preferred Constituent and Organizations *
Events - Preferred Name Format: if you want to automatically include spouses. Preferred Name Format: if you only want to include spouses that qualify.
If Organization has no Contact, the organization will be removed. If the organization does have a contact, the contact will receive the mailer.
When you want to include all People and all Organizations, including those without contacts
ASRV - Constituents & All Organizations *
Events - Preferred Name Format: if you want to automatically include spouses. Preferred Name Format:: if you only want to include spouses that qualify.
If Organization does not have a Contact, the Organization will still be included. If Organization does have a contact, both will receive the mailer. If contact is also an individual, both will receive mailer.
When you want to send to Campus addresses, if available
ASRV - Faculty & Staff Campus Addresses *
Events - Preferred Name Format: if you want to automatically include spouses. Preferred Name Format:: if you only want to include spouses that qualify.
When you want to have a list of all qualifying constituents and organizations, including those without a valid postal address in GAIL. You, the user, will have to manually delete every record that does not have an address before processing your mailer.
General User Preference **
Preferred Name Format
When you want to send to business addresses if available, if not then send to primary address as marked on their record
ASRV - Business and Primary *
Preferred Name Format
Organization will be included even without a Contact available
When you want to send to a persons residence address, otherwise it will go to the address on their record marked as primary
ASRV - Residence and Primary Addresses *
Events - Preferred Name Format: if you want to automatically include spouses. Preferred Name Format:: if you only want to include spouses that qualify.

 * Denotes blank addresses are excluded

** Denotes blank addresses are included 

Reminder: If a vendor is processing your printed mailer, be sure to manually delete data columns from the Excel file that are not needed for printing the mailers. UGA SendFiles is the required client for transmitting sensitive data (on and off campus). GAIL access or a Non-Disclosure Agreement is also required.

Email Direct Marketing Efforts

Situation Address Processing Name Format Additional Information
When you want to use the Informal Salutations in your email message
General User Preference**
ASRV - Informal Email Salutations
* In the case of sending an email you do want to use the General User Preference as there are records in GAIL that have an email address but no postal address.
When you want to use the Formal Salutations in your email message
General User Preference**
ASRV - Formal Email Salutations
When you're sending an email and want to use the person's Primary Addressee and Primary Salutation preferences
General User Preference**
Standard Name Format

Use ASRV – Informal Email Salutations OR ASRV – Formal Email Salutations if you want to use a salutation in the body of your email.

Typically spouses have their own individual email accounts but sometimes they do share.

Postal Event Communications

Situation Address Processing Name Format Additional Information
When you're sending an invitation to all qualifying constituents and want to automatically include their spouses
ASRV - Primary and Residence *
Events - Preferred Name Format
When you're sending an invitation and only want the qualifying person, not their spouse, if they do not qualify
ASRV - Primary and Residence *
Preferred Name Format

 * Denotes blank addresses are excluded

** Denotes blank addresses are included

Reminder: If a vendor is processing your printed mailer, be sure to manually delete data columns from the Excel file that are not needed for printing the mailers. UGA SendFiles is the required client for transmitting sensitive data (on and off campus). GAIL access or a Non-Disclosure Agreement is also required.

Email Event Communications

Situation Address Processing Name Format Additional Information
When you want to send an email for save the date, initial invitation, reminder to register, follow up after the event, and you want to automatically include the spouse
General User Preference **
Events - Preferred Name Format
Use ASRV - Informal Email Salutations -OR- ASRV - Formal Email Salutations if you want to use a salutation in the body of your email.
When you want to send an email for save the date, initial invitation, reminder to register, follow up after the event, and you only want to include the spouse if they qualify for the selection
General User Preference **
Preferred Name Format
** In the case of sending an email you do want to use the General User Preference as there are records in GAIL that have an email address but no postal address.

Use ASRV – Informal Email Salutations OR ASRV – Formal Email Salutations if you want to use a salutation in the body of your email.

Typically spouses have their own individual email accounts but sometimes they do share so you can choose to combine households or send to all qualifying constituents